
Friday, July 23, 2010

Tegal's History

Rich history of the city or area visible from the trail called the cultural heritage and cultural legacy that lives of remaining in the area. Both are a legacy of human civilization.

Similarly Tegal regency, regional trail rich historical legacy as a marker that Tegal regency as tlatah region can not be separated from the connection point to form the history of the region today. Emphasis on agriculture for example, can not be separated from the conditions of the region and the historical roots tlatah Tegal regency which develop their capacity as an agricultural area.

Agricultural traditions ranging from Sebayu Ki Gede demung Pajang breeds. Even if started Agraria traced since the Ancient Mataram. This testimony reinforced buildings and temples of ancient artefacts found in Trading.

Tegal derived from Tetegal syllables. Tetegal means fertile soil capable of producing agricultural crops (Department of Education Tegal regency, 1984).
Another source states, Tegal trusted name comes from the word Teteguall. A name given to a Portuguese trader origin Tome Pires who stopped at the port in the 1500s (Suputro, 1955). His name was associated with Purebred Majapahit, because his father Ki Gede Tepus Grass (later named Prince Onje) was a descendant of the Duke Ponorogo Batara Katong who still has a relationship with the descendants of the Majapahit dynasty (Sugeng Priyadi, 2002).

Geography of Tegal

Tegal regency has an area of 87 879 hectares of land and sea of 121.50 km2, consists of the mainland Rice (40 922 ha), forest (19 635 ha), Yard Land / Buildings (13 961 ha), land moor / Garden (10 809 ha ), the State Land / Private (194 ha), Padang, Shepherd (92 ha), Fishpond / mangrove land (323 ha) and others (2801 hectares), is not cultivated (142 Ha). The type of soil contained in Tegal regency, including alluvium (34.93%), Regosol (24%), Latosol (23.69%), grumosol (9.42%), Andosol (4.29%) and other types (other 3.67%). Alluvial soil is the largest species in Tegal regency, which is the area of 30698.575 hectares of land potential for the development of agricultural products like rice, pulses, horticulture, plantation, fisheries and others.

Tegal regency is one of regencies in Central Java Province, with capital Slawi and lies: 1080 57'6 "s / d in 1090 21'30" east longitude and between 60 50'41 "s / d 7 ° 15'30" south latitude and has a very strategic location in the streets of Semarang - Tegal - Cirebon and Semarang - Tegal - Purwokerto, Cilacap and Tegal port facilities in the city.

The Occupation of Tegal

Based on data from the Regional Information System Profile (SIPD) Tegal regency in 2009, the number of residents in Tegal regency in the year 2009 reached 1,501,629 persons, consisting of the soul of men and women as much as 745 973 737 518 inhabitants.

This figure shows that the gender of the population in Tegal regency nearly balanced or not a striking difference in both men and women. Population density from year to year continue to increase. Population density in succession from the year 2005-2009 are as follows: 1674 people/km2, 1680 people/km2, 1698 people/km2, 1702 people/km2; 1709 people/km2.

Meanwhile, the rate of population growth rate is relatively stable. Proven in the year 2005, the population growth rate 1.30% to 0.57% in 2006, fell back to 0.39 in the year 2007. In the year 2008 increased to 0.90%, in the year 2009, but dropped drastically to 0.38%.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Built Tegal through the Virtual World

The speed of communication technology and information created various miracles in the world. The distance that far was felt increasingly close. The ease of access then to increasingly was easy. Likewise at a cost of and the power that was needed, became far more effective and efficient.

This miracle began with the discovery of the device named the computer during 1940 when Dr John Mauchly and Prosper Eckert created ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator). ENIAC that had total heavy 30 ton needed the room measuring 140 m2 and 130 KW the electricity power to make him operational. Afterwards, the computer continued to experience the exponential revolution through to like that was seen by us at this time.

In his book, Friedman suggested that one of the matters that made this world become the flat (flat) was the new age of connectivity (the new era the network) during the 1990 's. This some milestones in the development of information technology at this time. There were three important incidents that marked this era. This incident was the internet emergence as the global network implement had expenses low; the World Wide Web attendance where anyone could mem-posting something to be able to be accessed by the crowd; and expanded him the use web browser commercial that could take the document to some web pages as well as put forward him to our monitor screen.

This fact that pushed the Tegal younger generation to create the community had a name Tegal Cyber Community (TCC). This community was the community from, by, and for the Tegal resident and surrounding area who made use of the internet to chat and discussed. Each visitor could access TCC with mengetikkan in web browser him. After registered and login, the visitor could just use facilities chatted and his interactive discussions.
The TCC media was based on the forum. The forum was chosen because of having two surpluses was compared mailing list (milis). Firstly, discussions through the forum will not fill his email of the member's inbox. This forum in-installed in one web hosting based mySQL and PHP. Memori the storage that was used was web hosting this. Secondly, discussions through the forum was classified neatly and clearly. The administrator divided per the category so as the user could choose to participate in the topic of discussions (dopokan) that in accordance with his wish.

The member was registered by this forum already more than 580 people despite just was formed at the end 2009 then. This forum was unique because of using the Tegal language as his discussions language so as inter-member relations became closer, despite only just knew in the world virtual. Moreover, was different from other forums, TCC had smilies that was funny and expressive, that again and again direpresentasikan with the Tegal language. Courage carried the Tegal language as the main language in this forum that became the strength and the TCC superiority.

Indonesia F3 FUTURES - Tegal

Christopher Runkat the Indonesian hope player in the Indonesian tournament of F3 FUTURES - Tegal in a startling manner on Sunday on June 13 2010 won Indonesia F2 FUTURES - TARAKAN overcame An Jae-sung South Korea in Tarakan Indoor the stage in East Kalimantan. this was clearly startling because Christo joined this tournament through facilities willcard. But this victory was not too startling to be considered from the weather that was very hot in Indonesia.

This hot condition made the players could not show his capacity optimally. This made the player to be unstable kondisinya. this clearly really must be made use of by the Indonesian players. But the Indonesian players personally also his condition far from hope.

Free from anything the Christo victory, the lover's community of tennis must appreciate in a positif. manner this was the Indonesian nation victory, the Indonesian victory of the tennis human being. Let's support the Indonesian players in the Indonesian tournament of F3 FUTURES - Tegal by coming to the place of the match. Where the main round will be begun on the Tuesday on June 15 2010 from 10.00 WIB up to selesai. was still should not say the lover of tennis if not coming and mengapresiaasi the first international tennis match that spread out by the Tegal City.

Conceptually "Bali Ndeso Mbangun Deso"

Almost everyone in Central Java currently feels not again foreign heard the slogan ”Bali Ndeso Mbangun Deso”, initially this slogan emerged in dengungan the campaign of Pilgub Central Java so as to deliver the Waluyo Seed as the Governor was chosen in Central Java.

The slogan ”Bali Ndeso Mbangun Deso” became Mainstrem Just the development in Central Java. However on the other side evidently still many that doubted the formulation of the application and operational in the field, because of being gazed at will be difficult in practice so as this slogan only was beautiful in rhetoric.

Moreover with a friend said the Tegal City mustn't follow this slogan. Perhaps in thoughts of my friend because of feeling himself as the person ”kota” with Trend the make The progress and educated, then felt will fall bounced him when must ”ndeso” as the terminology that was more permanent in the ignorance, ortodok and katro. So as to emerge the joke whether Bali Ndeso Mbangun Deso ” that results Only the extraordinary ceremony? .

In thoughts of my friend the terminology deso was the green carpet, yellow paddy-field rice and the other agrarian symbol as submitting, Nrima And Saderma sauripe . While the terminology of the city in our marrow was the roar of the factory with the activity of the machine, the factory chimney, hiruk pikuk the worker And the trade in the traditional level and modern that was bright as the symbol of the symbol of the metropolis. Definitely, to produce the change in this terminology not something that was easy.

The slogan Central Javan Governor Bibit Waluyo, Bali Ndeso Mbangun Deso ", should have to be appreciated in detail and serious, because that could not be interpreted literally." That was a spirit that will be spread in the development breath of an area.

The nervousness In respond to This slogan often came from various circles, even the member the Commission of C DPRD Central Java Imam Munajad in limited discussions the concept Bali Ndeso Mbangun Deso "In the Semarang City, on Wednesday (12/11), said we considered the concept just was the foundation" of "thinking." Still must be completed from various aspects and was clarified in a manner details,

Explication of this concept indeed still must be clarified conceptually and operationally. So as the implementation in the field only was not beautiful on ears and the explanation of the point of view and operational him became clear.

Responded to that, the Seed said, the implementation of this concept will be carried out in stages. At this time his side entered the first stage, that is the consolidation. The planned also seed made the book clarify the slogan of his mainstay, Bali Ndeso Mbangun Deso "."

Where eventually this concept must be tested from various aspects, that is in an academic manner, philosophical, as well as his implementation. So as the point of view headed the prosperous community with this slogan then was clarified. This slogan did not most have the acceleration in six missions, that is the clean and professional government, empowerment of based economics democracy, social empowerment and the culture were based on local wisdom, the increase in the quality of human resources, the provisions of the infrastructure, as well as created the safe condition for the community.